Possible to use NTL TV and Broadband from same socket?


Registered User

We currently have broadband with NTL. TV downstairs in living room and computer upstairs in box room. I just set up a wireless router to have broadband on the laptop around the house using information from this site and it went well, and I think is secure.

Anway, we have a new baby due in May, so the boxroom will be needed. Would hope to move all the broadband paraphenalia downstairs to the living room and use a splitter at the NTL connection so that we can connect both to the TV and the cable modem from the same socket.

Anyone tried this, or knows if it will work? If not, I guess we will have to get NTL back in........

Did a search on this but couldn't find any info.
Is your router located at the same point ?
If so, you just take aport off of this for your BB, other option is seeing as you have wireless working for the laptop, just get a wireless dongle for the desktop, then you can move it anwhere you like.