Possible to transfer investment property & mortgage into company?


Registered User
Hi, I wondered if anyone knows if it is possible to transfer an existing investment property and mortgage into a limited company? Considering doing this for pension reasons. If so, would be grateful to know what is the procedure involved and would there be stamp duty etc payable ie does the company have to 'buy' the property?
Thanks in advance
This makes no sense at all.

Check out the Key Posts on companies owning investment properties. It is just not a good idea.

I can't envisage any reason why such a transfer would be necessary for pension reasons.

If you own the property, you cannot transfer it to your pension scheme, whether it is in a company or not.

Thanks for replies. Is just an idea at the moment as am hoping to sort out pension for future and was told this was a good idea but wanted to enquire about possible stamp duty inplications. Also wasn't sure if permission from lender would be needed. Will check out Key post.