Possible to shrink 'Pre-shrunk' t-shirts?..

Plek Trum

Registered User
Hi all,
received a box of printed t-shirts this morning for an upcoming event. They are 100% cotton and claim to be -pre-shrunk'.
Problem is they are a good size larger than we were expecting!!

It is too late (and expensive) and this stage to get them re-printed. The error in size is our own fault. Any advice on whethere it is possible to shrink these.. safely? Many thanks...
Nothing obvious available on Google. You could take one as a test case and check the laundry label. If it says wash at 30 degrees then wash it at a higher one and then dry it in the tumble dryer at a high temperature. Worth a try.

The only problem with doing this is that it can sometimes leave the material out of shape but it looks as if you don't have any other option at this late stage.
I was thinking the same - lesson learned about being presumptuous with t-shirt sizes!
Hot wash then a good tumble dry - once we don't end up wearing 'belly tops' we should be ok!