Possible redundancy


Registered User
can someone please help me.My husband has been employed in the same company for 10 yrs as a driver, however in Feb that position was no longer available so he was moved to the warehouse which is very stressful and physical with the result was rushed to hosp with a suspected heart attack at Easter time.Thankfully it wasnt a heart attack but narrowing of the arteries and has been put on medication,and advised against too strenous work. He was off work without pay for 1 month. The past couple of weeks he has begun to feel unwell while in work and had a meeting with his boss who has now put him off work till he sees company doc. There is no other position available within the company.Redundancy has been mentioned if a solution can not be found,but my husband does not want to be out of work apart from financially he is only 51! My question is, if he was made redundant what would he be entitled to? Would he have to apply for disability or jsb.I believe there is a huge wait for disability. He would rather be employed so would being on disability restrict him to apply for certain courses, jobridge etc. thanks