Possessory Title by Adverse Possession


Registered User
This is my first time of posting I have been an regular reader of Askaboutmoney and I am in need of advice I hope someone could help

My son wishes to purchase a house but he has been advised that the
property has a Possessory Title and was obtained through Adverse
Possession he has been advised to consider not purchasing this property
as this is not what they call not a good title but if he wants to go ahead
ask the seller for a discount because it will take a long time to gain
good title

Many Thanks
It is possible to purchase subject to the title being converted prior to closing.

He should get his solicitor to have a look at the application for registration to assess the likelihood of success and the time involved.

He would need to put a time limit in the contract clause as these types of applications can drag on depending on the background.

There are different applications possible to convert title, some of which are straightforward, some of which are more difficult so he needs legal advice.

Many thanks for your response to my question. We will go to Solicitor
to discuss and will let you know how it proceeds
If a possessory title is given on an adverse possession application, it was because there were unanswered questions regarding title at the time of first registration. To convert title, it will be necessary to answer those questions. It will not be a straightforward conversion application. The Statute of Limitations does not run on the possessory title, so time will not cure the matter either.

Think long and hard about this one - there is a possibility that the title is worthless.