positioning of cooker near a door


Registered User
Building a cottage at the moment and wanted to have cooker next to a sliding patio door. Have been told by electrician that I cant as this is a hazard. He advises putting cooker beside door leading to utility room which isnt a great option (no worktop to the right of the cooker). Is he correct or might he be just doing whats 'handy' for himself? Where can I check the health and safety requirements?
Your cooker should be in c. 2' min. from the side edge of the countertop.

Think about the handle of a saucepan sticking over the side, a sauce pan full of boiling water and a ten year old kid.

It's not covered in the Building Regs., so I'm not certain if there is a requirement for it as such. If there is, it is most definitely not always followed, but whenever I come across such a thing I point it out to a client.