Portugal Deposit Tax


Registered User

I have contacted both the revenue (advised to contact the IRS in Portugal) and raisin for advice but neither were of any assistance.

A deposit on raisin matured and a withholding tax of c. 38% has been applied to the interest. Raisin in fairness provided me with the relevant forms to fill out (RFI 21) and post back to the portugese tax authorities which i received the day before i went on holiday last and subsequently forgot to deal with.

Can anyone offer any advice on where to go from here? Googling the IRS is Portugal has been to no avail as I cant find an email to send the query to. Is it too late to fill out the RFI21 form and post off?

Thanks but this is not much help...
How so? Surely it addresses this point of yours?
Googling the IRS is Portugal has been to no avail as I cant find an email to send the query to.
The article lists details about the Portuguese tax authorities and, by following a couple of links, you can get to their contact details page:
How so? Surely it addresses this point of yours?

The article lists details about the Portuguese tax authorities and, by following a couple of links, you can get to their contact details page:

For queries they are looking for an equvilant of a PPS number (which I dont have as I am not resident) and they dont speak english on the otherside of the the phone. Tricky situation..

I have contacted both the revenue (advised to contact the IRS in Portugal) and raisin for advice but neither were of any assistance.

A deposit on raisin matured and a withholding tax of c. 38% has been applied to the interest. Raisin in fairness provided me with the relevant forms to fill out (RFI 21) and post back to the portugese tax authorities which i received the day before i went on holiday last and subsequently forgot to deal with.

Can anyone offer any advice on where to go from here? Googling the IRS is Portugal has been to no avail as I cant find an email to send the query to. Is it too late to fill out the RFI21 form and post off?

I missed out on claiming the withholding tax from Blur Or. I asked Revenue. They told me to contact the country involved. This isn't correct as I have missed the deadline. I asked again, how to claim tax relief on tax paid in 2024 in a another state. They said claim in 2025. I think like how they were dealing with DIRT tax in EU banks, this maybe a new situation for Revenue within the PAYE side (my account).
I missed out on claiming the withholding tax from Blur Or. I asked Revenue. They told me to contact the country involved. This isn't correct as I have missed the deadline. I asked again, how to claim tax relief on tax paid in 2024 in a another state. They said claim in 2025. I think like how they were dealing with DIRT tax in EU banks, this maybe a new situation for Revenue within the PAYE side (my account).
This is my situation exactly. Revenue told me to contact the countries tax authorities. I wonder though is it a case where I just have to pay 5% to the Irish revenue in next years tax return given I have paid 28% to Portugal? Am I over complicating this?
If the Portuguese tax authorities got 28%, this is more than the 15% they are entitled to

You have to claim the excess 13% back from the Portuguese tax authorities

You owe DIRT at 33% to the Revenue in Ireland and you can offset the 15% allowed to the Portuguese, so you owe 18% more to Revenue

The joys of depositing your savings in banks abroad!