Portarlington Co Laois & Offaly - Improvements/Developments


Registered User
Hi Folks,

Does anyone know if there is any non-residential development going ahead in Portarlington?

There is a plan and a site for a good sized shopping centre.

There are lots of delapidated buildings and the Council's development plan a few years ago highlighted the problem and said it would be tackled.

I've also heard rumours about an IT college and a government department to be decentralised to the town.

Despite this, nothing seems to be happening.

I recently bought a house there, so if you know something about this, please share.


I'm originally from Port and all my family still live there.

The Shopping centre is on hold at the moment but i can't remember the reason my mother gave me.

The county development plan did provide for buildings to be renovated under the Town renewal scheme(tax scheme) but todate there has been a poor uptake and the scheme is due to run out anyway.

I think a section of the Dept of Justice is due to decentralise to Port with around 90-100 jobs moving.

Haven't heard anything about an IT college, if there were rumours of this, believe me my mother would have heard it!!

The town is slowly coming along, it has taken businesses a while to catch up with the developments in recent years.

What part of the town did you buy in, the Laois end or the Offaly end?
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Ah, now you know that and i know that but i couldn't possibly colour the opinion of a new resident plus do we really want to upset the biffo's!.
We bought on Station Road. The good side.

Thanks for the info. If you hear any more about developments in Port, I'd like to hear it.

I noticed on Saturday that the big, empty, brown-bricked building beside Lidl (enterprise Ireland?) was being shown - the windows had been cleaned and there were people walking around inside. I hope it's getting a new tennant.


The brown building used to be an Avon factory years ago, not sure what it was used for in recent years.

Hope you are settling in well.
Just incase anyone hasn't yet heard: the department that's being decentralised to Portarlington is the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner.

They are due to take up residence in their new offices on Station Road on 04th Dec 2006... more info
Hi Stuart Mac
We have just also bought on Station Road - due to move in at end of Jan - how have u settled in - whats the town like at night - we're not looking for nightclubs etc but something half decent for a Sat night??? Any info??
What estate are you in - we have bought in Whitefields - glad to hear it is the good side of town!!
I'm a long time resident,both sides of the town are good,the reference 'good side of the town' is a bit of local slagging which likely has its origins in local sporting rivalry and is intended to wind the other up.
A hearty welcome to all new residents and I hope you find happiness and good luck in your new homes.

Just looking at this post again and see that my "Good end and Offaly end" is being taken out of context alright!

From a practical stand point all of Port is grand... I didn't expect my GAA slagging to be taken so seriously! (still though, when given the choice of being a BIFFO over a Laois person - the logical option is obvious!).....
Ahh good oul Port, its been a while since Ive been there.

If you're passing by the Cottage shop, pop in a give Richie a slap for me will ya.. He's nuts, but does cracking breakfast rolls
Alas just being from Portarlington is enough to be labelled a BUFFALO - Big Ugly F**ker from Laois-Offaly. Being from Gracefield but now living on the Laois side I get the honour of now being called both.
Hi Stuart Mac
We have just also bought on Station Road - we have bought in Whitefields - glad to hear it is the good side of town!!

Just be aware that they are building some social apartments in Whitefields at the minute.They're near the first batch of houses as you drive into the estate.
Hi Barbara,

Sorry for the delay in responding... I unsubscribed from this thread as I thought it was done with. I hope you're having a great Christmas.

We moved here in August and so we're still new but we have spent a few weekends out here. Mostly though, we hang out in Dublin or Naas as that's where our friends are and we like to go to restaurants and comedy shows.

Port is not bad at night. There are loads of pubs.. Pint O Port at the roundabout on Station Road is popular enough but there's great choice. There are no nightclubs, imho, but the East End Hotel beside Maxol at the roundabout on Station Road has a hall and hosts events including dances. A few more restaraunts would push Port into the good at night category.

We are in Station Grove. It's a small scheme behind O Shea's pub opposite the station.

Good luck with your move.