Port Tunnel - why is it closed for such a long time.


Registered User

This was a set of brakes that went on fire, not the actual truck. Not the type of thing that would be a major safety issue. So why does it take them 1.5 hours to deal with the problem? You would think that they could clear this truck in 5-10mins? Do they own a heavy duty tow truck?
the report does state that the tunnel re-opened before 9am so that wouldn't be the full hour and a half. presumably they were operating on the advice of the fire brigade/garda which is right and proper.
Why don't you ring up the DFB and ask one of their officers to explain the delay?
Ive passed through the tunnel a couple of times recently. Last few times have been close to the deadline where it changes from 3euro to 10 euro (or whatever it is)

Has anyone else noticed that they tend to close off a load of lanes close to the time the price goes up, even the automatic easypass lanes!

Forces you to queue for a few minutes! Sneaky
Once there is a fire in the Tunnel the Dublin Fire Brigade take charge. It is their call when the area is free to be reopened.
Incidentally I understood that when the M50 upgrade was complete there would be areduction in the toll charge for motorists. This would encourage greater use. Or was I dreaming ?
Incidentally I understood that when the M50 upgrade was complete there would be areduction in the toll charge for motorists. This would encourage greater use. Or was I dreaming ?

I'd imagine you were dreaming The toll is there to limit the traffic being dumped onto the distinctly non-motorway road at the south end as well as to ensure the trucks don't get delayed by congestion.