Pop the Question \ Suprise Trip for GF to NY

hi bobaloulou. i work in aerlingus and all my colleagues including myself have been to salvatores.... you simply cannot beat them. if u say u gor recommended by the aerlingus girls they will really look after you.. when hannigans started first there was competition but soon everybody saw we got much better value, service, and simply looked after and also ater sales is great for the cleaning etc... best of luck..

I know your head is probably spinning with all the advice (but see, thats how passionate people get about NYC -you and your soon-to-be-fiance, will be the same, come Feb!) but I just wanted to add my $0.02!

Met a couple over there in March, his plan was to do it in the Empire State, but he got up and it was PACKED, said that it just took away from it. He then planned to do the carraige ride in the Park...and he ended up fit-to-burst, doing it in the hotel room! He didn't say as much, but I got the impression that he hadn't really enjoyed the first couple of days, with nerves...

My main advice is to take it as it comes -enjoy it! If you rush around too much, you'll be too wrecked to enjoy it. Have a list of 'possibles' and just do them if it suits/whatever fits best with the weather etc.. - my favourite part of NYC is just wandering about, dipping in for a coffee or a beer or a bite to eat and then wandering about a bit again - its such an easy city to navigate and you don't have to 'do' everything, to get a sense of it.

Best of luck - oh and I'd avoid telling your FIL to-be that you're hitting the Credit Union for a couple of boob


P.S - Why not by a costume-jewellery ring in Topshop/Awear/Dorothy Perkins...somewhere cheap, to do the question popping bit!
you sound like you have most of the work done, well done

my now husband did the same a few yrs back.
I 2nd what another poster said empire state is a bit busy. my fella did it in central park (horse and trap!!!) in the freezing cold - before lunch!! very romantic....... central park has a lovely restaurant called the boat house so if you do pop the question make sure to check out that place for a stiff drink afterwards...
or because you are going in jan you could go ice skating...
so many options but do it early on in the holiday.
we had a limited budget and got a lovely ring on 5th ave, didnt know about the diamond district at the time.

woodbury common is great for shopping - get the bus from port authority.
best of luck and enjoy the trip
djsim, for info, I note you are buying your diamond ring in New York. Watch out for the attached. Ring may appear as great value compared to Irish prices; however may not be in reality.

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Otherwise, I hope all goes well for you and good luck.
Empire State is packed during the day but it's open until about midnight. I went up at about 11.30pm and it was absolutely beautiful, not that many people around and the whole city lit up beneath you. (It was also very cold but that just added to the atmosphere.)
Re: Pop the Question \ Suprise Trip for GF to NY - Update

Hello All,

First of, I would like to thank you all who have left comments, they have contributed to what I hope will be a great trip.

Just to give ye guys an update. I have booked the flights and hotel anyway. No turning back nowJ. I booked the Hilton Gardens as it looks nice and is 12th on the trip advisor list out of 400 odd hotels, so that cant be all bad.

I have also booked an ice-hockey game, cant wait for that one. My other half will like that also. I have also pre-booked the Empire and Liberty trips. If I get all those done I will be doing well. Although, I will have to try and get to see the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. That looks excellent, anyone every being?

May I pick your heads again for a little more information, thanksJ (last time, cross my heart)

  • I have got the online approval from the Visa Waiver for both of us. This, with our passports, is all that I need, right? (I have a chip passport and my GF has amachine readable one?)
  • Can you recommend any nice restaurants to go to for the special nite? I was going to book the “view” restaurant, but the food reviews are not good. Might just call in for a drink.
  • The other half will want to go and see one of the “big” outlets. I know they are 100’s of threads debating Jersey Gardens V Woodbury Common. If you had to go to one, which would it be? As I am only there 4 days, I was thinking the Jersey Gardens would be better as you can do that in a half day, as not to waste a whole day shopping?
Thanks again for all your help,
hey cant answer many of your questions as twas a while ago when we went.
restaurant - we went to little italy after he popped the question and found some lovely restaurants - the food is also nice the cheesecake factory.

they say woodbury is better than JG but i have only been to woodbury - check it out online and you'll get a full list of all shops - that might help you make your decision

was in the intredpid twice - only as a kid and the 2nd on the last trip to ny a few yrs back, loved it both times, although 2nd time round it had all the stuff relating to 9/11 so that was a bit depressing but worth a trip
have a ball
Went to intrepid. Was good but other half loved it! Worth a trip alright if you've done all the other touristy things. Can't help with a restaurant but found woodbury common great.
We are going over in 2 weeks, for a nice break. Are also going to look at diamonds!!!! Have bought in India, and here, and would like to compare with New York. Heard there is good value to be had there. I have trawled the sites and am going to call to (http://www.diamondideals.com/) and have a look. You can see their prices on-line, put some that you might be interested in a 'shopping bag' and make an appointement to visit.
Will let you know how we get on... Staying in the Elysee Hotel, hope that lives up to its recommendations on Tripadvisor. Also going to go to one of the top restaurants they recommend.
make sure that if you buy a diamond in new york that its not silicon sealed. this could seep out when you are washing the dishes. it will be written on very very very small print, do not buy a ring like this. new york is full of them
Re: Pop the Question \ Suprise Trip for GF to NY - Update

The Intrepid Air & Space museum is great but doesnt open on monday, just in case u decided to go that day. you could do a lot of sightseeing one day, statute of liberty & ellis island in morning , empire state at night .

Jersey gardens for shopping, is nearer and cheaper to get to also - $10 return as opposed to $42 to Woodbury Common. You would be surprised at what you can do in 4 days. First time myself and oh went was for 4 days and we did the most we ever did on any of our visits.

Dont know of any fancy restaurants to recommend as we always went to cheap and cheerful places, why not go for the carriage ride idea for the proposal.
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You could try here for a restaurant.

It's expensive but has the best steaks I've ever tasted.

It's a classy place and a lot more than just another "steakhouse"
thanks callybags (and everybody else)

Place looks very nice. Soooo much choice
+1 to the Intrepid. Impressive just for the sheer scale and history behind the carrier!

Best of luck with your proposal, mine is due any day now....
Cheers Kine, hope it works out for you.

I am a bit if a geek when it comes to technology so the intrepid is going to be my highlight of the trip, after the engagement of course