Poor Ventilation in attic conversion




We recently had our attic converted which was passed by the builder's architect. But, we are very concerned that the ventilation gap between the insulation and roof felt is very narrow 10mm and non-existent in places.

We have 100 mm kingspan insulation and now regret this because we feel that this allowed little space for ventilation. The builder told us after we expressed our concern that building regulations stipulate a 50mm airspace but that he was trying to accommodate insulation and ceiling height. I did say I wanted a warm room but I would have liked to been told that this could compromise ventilation.

He inserted two vent tiles into the roof on one side to allay our concerns. We can have two put into the front of the house if the need arises.

So, although the room is beautiful and warm. I am very upset because I feel condensation problems will arise. Is condensation inevitable? The crawl space is well ventilated. It is the ceiling above the new room that is the problem. We used a well recommended builder.

Any views appreciated. I suppose I want to know if a condensation problem is unavoidable at this stage.

Thank you
50mm is the minimum requirement to meet building regulations and it must be continuous. If your architect has passed the installation, then I would request in writing from him stating that 10mm and non-existent in places meets current building regulations.
I shouldn't think that he will provide such a letter, but even without it, he has not met his obligations, and futher action can now be taken. You should at least have something from him in writing stating that it conforms to current building regulations.