Poor service from An Post - What to do?


zat29 recently posted the following (now here):
— and I moved it to the LOS forum for the reasons given. But I've decided to reopen the thread here, where he can contribute further to it if he'd like to. Reason being, as ajapale pointed out to me, it is very hard to find out about An Post's complaints system (presuming there is one?) There's no reference to it anywhere on their web site, and an advanced Google search for 'yields nothing relevant. I know that the ombudsman covers An Post, but only after the 'internal procedures' have been exhausted. There is another recent thread here which alleges unprofessional behaviour on the part of a (supposed) TV Licence Inspector.
I see here were the Royal Mail in the UK was fined £11m for losing letters. In the uk it is postcomm who are the regulators who impose the fine.

Im surprised at an post for not having a well publicised complaints system. I seem to remember a hullabaloo a few years ago about a Customer Charter for State Agencies and I believe that An Post signed up. Perhaps this is where we should start the hunt for An Post's complaints (customer feedback) system.

I would contact the An Post customer services department and complain via email, fax & post. Nothing like hitting them 3 times to make them sit up and listen.
A while back I had a problem with their business mail, my difficulty was investigated and the service did improve in fairness.
With regards to residential mail, I've had intermittened problems, in particular with Ebay purchases. Part of the problem seems to be mail coming from the UK via London. I've highlighted my difficulty with An Post and visited the local sorting office directly on numerous occasions. Post is arriving only every 2nd day if at all.
According to the sorting office, they have on average 10% of all staff on sick leave on a daily basis, and this does not take into account holidays/all other leave from work & those on shift.
See if contacting them via the 3 methods mentioned above will work
Thanks DrMoriarty for re-opening my thread here. I think I will take mo3art's advice with the triple complaint mechanism but first I need to telephone to find out the correct person to complain to. Will let people know what happens, if anything. I'll get in touch with comreg also.
Just got this off their website:
An Post 1850 262 362
For all business enquiries relating to An Post Letters Services
1850 575 859
For all consumer enquiries relating to An Post Letters Services

I would chance posting a complaint to:
Customer Services
An Post
O'Connell Street
Dublin 1
I assume your address was accurate; by that I mean An Post, as far as I know work from the bottom up with the address and must also deliver to number on outer cover- even if he knows Pat 'O Furniture lives in Number 7, if writing on envelope says 8, he/she must deliver it to number 8
item eventually arrived. possible something to do with delays via london that i heard about.
I am waiting on a dvd from play posted in uk on 02/02. I KNOW my postie didn't get it as I have received loads of letters and bills on an almost daily basis since then. also assume that go slow in uk affecting it.
A letter was posted for me in Dublin city centre last Friday and it still hasn't arrived...I really needed it today so I am furious with An Post at the moment. Next-day delivery??? What a joke! I live in North County Dublin so it's only a few miles away! I regularly buy things from the States and they always arrive within a 5-day timeframe. So if something can travel 6ooo miles in 5 days, why hasn't a letter that only had to travel 15 still not made it 6 days later???

I rang the GPO to complain this morning. The guy in customer services sounded jaded. I asked him what the delay was with standard post. Initially he said there wasn't any but when I proceeded to ask him why a letter still hadn't arrived a week letter, he started reading out some speel and I quote " Due to an ongoing virus in the Dublin area" ...Virus? I thought... Has the bird flu hit Ireland already? Has the foot and mouth disease reared its head again? He clarified " Due to an outbreak of the winter vomiting bug, there are many postal workers off sick..." blah blah...
I told him straight out that this was a flimsy excuse...I knew it wasn't his fault; he'd obviously been instructed to list this off when anyone rang with a complaint but the managers and directors need to sit up and take note!! The service is atrocious!!! And we the customers ARE NOT stupid!