Politics and fundraising?


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Hi! I am helping to organise a fundraising event for our organisation - a fun cycle. One of the local independent, well-known and liked, politicans has asked how he can assist us. I don't know whether I should ask him to open the event, or whether he and any contacts he has, which would be considerable, could help to promote our event - it's not a very popular cause like breast cancer or childhood illness etc. Would welcome any advice comments from seasoned fundraisers. Thanks.
Be aware that if its seen as 'political', non-supporters of the TD may not support your cycle.

Best try to get another politico/party involved. If his interest is truly altruistic, he won't have a problem with that.
Politics and fundraising

Thanks, Kildavin. There's already someone from another political party involved. So hopefully, people won't associate the event with a particular political party. The other policitcal canditate has been in it from the start so I hope his nose won't be out of joint by the Independent politician becoming involved.

I was hoping that my politician friend could either open the event, or maybe do a spiel about us and send it into the local paper, or that maybe some of his pr contacts could give us some tips on how to promote and manage the event better, and to make it also an annual event. Don't know if I'm shooting in the dark with my expectations, but would welcome some comments. Thanks again.
I wouldn't involve any politician in organising or promoting it. Invite ALL the politicians to take part as fundraisers, and to bring their buddies with them.
The more the merrier.

Mainstream parties want to maintain their public profile to ensure no embarrassing defeats in any By-elections coming up, while less parties, the resurgent Fianna Fáil and the ever more popular Sinn Féin are coming round for envelope openings.

I would not exclude people, just make sure they know who's boss and what their role will be - its not for them to hi-jack the event, whatever about doing a piece to camera supporting it.

Manage their involvement and the media coverage, and you'll be alright.
Try to get some Nationwide coverage perhaps also.