Police Concert-Saturday 6th October


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Anyone else disappointed with the concert on Saturday? Fabulous weather, etc, but I just dont think they worked the crowd.

Should have been a great night, but, well, wasn't?

Seemed like they were just going through the motions to boost their pensions.
Thought it was good enough.Most of their material wouldn't have ye leppin around like a lunatic but I think for most of the attendees just seeing/hearing them brought back some good memories.

Wife was happy anyway - thinks "sting is soooooo fit"
I agree about the so fit comment, as did all of the women in our group!!!
Heard mixed feedback on the radio this morning - a lot of negative comments.

Apparently "1000s left during the show" according to one texter.

Any truth in this?

(BTW, quite like a lot of The Police's music, but on principle, I could not attend a gig fronted by one of the most pretentious, smugly spiritual, aloof, conceited people in music)
i was so disappointed with it - very little atmosphere and each time they did get the crowd going it seemed to be for only one song and then everyone sat down. All the comments i could hear around me were negative and i watched a steady stream of people (looked like thousands) leave throughout the whole concert. Sound wasnt great and def didnt feel like value for money at €126.50 X 2. We stayed till the bitter end hoping it would get better - but unfortunately it didnt. I agree with MandaC - just going through the motions
From what I saw, yes, a lot of people left before the end of the show.
I thought it was a decent concert and thought the sound was quite good.

The first ten songs or so seemed to alternate between popular songs and less well known. I was certainly lost a few times in the early stages.

I was amazed at how many people left the venue after the band first left the stage. They were streaming out and even when the Police came back people didn't even stop to turn around they just kept leaving. At 126 a go it was worth staying till the end.

Going by the amount of tickets on sale outside the ground I learnt a lesson and next time there's a concert on in a big venue I'll be hawking around looking for a bargain.
Thought they were a bit over indulgent. Was singing Cant Stand Loosing and then went into solo's etc and then back into the lyrics

Sound was good & we were in the cusack lr just near the canal. No real interaction except make some noise Dublin etc

"I wrote this song in Salthill, thats in Galway" yeah thanks Sting we know that

Back in the pub some said it was a bit flat me I thought they were ok but did see punters walking out on the pitch maybe to the bar or jacks ?

Just felt strange going there and not seeing my beloved Dubs
If I had paid €60 a ticket, I would have said it was a great concert, but at €126 a ticket, it as OK. As one poster said, they would play a single, which would have everybody up, and then follow it with a song from one of their early albums, which a lot of people (judging by the reaction) didn't know.

We went through their "greatest hits" cd on the way home, and they played most of it, with a fair few album tracks as well.

I was happy to see them, being a big police fan in the 70's and 80s.

Looking down at the crowd from the lr. Cusack stand, I commented to SHMBO at the amount of bald heads, and people with kids. So I thought the age profile was older than a normal concert.

And I saw a lot of people streaming out towards the end, especially before the encore.
I'm not a fan of stadium rock but went along as I was a Police fan back in the day. Some very poor renditions (notably "message in a bottle" and "Roxanne") , some songs that were too boring and dulled me buzz (notably "murder by numbers" and "hole in my head") but a lot of great tunes also. I thought Andy Summers over indulged at times. I enjoyed it all the same. Agreed that they seemed to be going through the motions but their talent got them a 7/10 from me.
I must be a sad old git, I really enjoyed the concert was in the Hogan stand, I thought sting's voice was very good and stuart copeland was brilliant on drums - andy - didn't get too excited about him. But I really enjoyed the night, thought croke park was a great venue for a concert, though it was very organised and everything went off smoothly. Pity they don't do more concerts in croke park this time of year.
Band were average (but not worth €126.50)
Venue was awful, no atmosphere.
From the Canal End (sorry Davins Stand) the Police were the size of minature police. The TV screens were also poor and the big screens were partly blocked by the PA gear.
Overall a poor show, going through the motions and terrible venue. At least in a football game the ball sometimes comes down towards the Canal end.