Pointless celebrities


Registered User
Just wondering who people would nominate as the most pointless 'celebrities' around. Top of my list would be the annoying Peaches and Pixie Geldof. Apart from being Bob and Paula's daughters what exactly have either of them done, or what talent have they displayed, to justify the acres of media coverage they generate?
Re: P ointless celebrities

But isn't that the whole "celebrity thing" these days, with zeroes being famous just for being famous?

Gone are the days when to be an "A-lister" (see, even I have the lingo) you had to be a mega rock-star, film-star, racing driver,author or sports personality. Now it seems to be enough to be able to afford to hire a Max Clifford (or have Mammy / Daddy / Trust Fund do it) and bingo! - Callum Best, Paris Hilton, et al gawk drunkenly or nakedly or both out at us from the tatty totty magazines in dentists' reception rooms, appear on YouTube, UTV/TV3, the RedTops, etc.

Take your pick - the list of pointless "celebs" is endless.
Re: P ointless celebrities

Pointless celebrities...hmmmm.....Lisa Murphy? She goes out with "Celebrity Solicitor" Gerald Keane.....utterly pointless..
Or how about Glenda Gilson...how she got to be a "top model" is beyond me...
Re: P ointless celebrities

I don't know about a scale of pointlessness, but that so called 'man about town' - Gavin Lambe Murphy is it? What exactly is the point of him?

I would never get tired of punching him I have to say.
Re: P ointless celebrities

Pointless celebrities...hmmmm.....Lisa Murphy? She goes out with "Celebrity Solicitor" Gerald Keane.....utterly pointless..
Or how about Glenda Gilson...how she got to be a "top model" is beyond me...

Yes, a lot of 'Sunday Independent' celebrities out there. Usually mediocre models hanging onto successful business men. I see they're also trying to turn Gerry Ryan's ex Morah into one now, talking about her being 'back in town' and 'back on the scene.' Did anyone even notice she'd gone?
Re: P ointless celebrities

are they not all surplus to requirements really...
whats the point of any celebrity?
Re: P ointless celebrities

Does anyone care, apart from his one pal Firefly?

Haven't seen Gav since I left Dublin. Dawd I miss those deep, meaningful, philosophical conversations we used to have in Ba Mizu.
Re: P ointless celebrities

+1. They have nothing going for them and if I see/ read anything about them (inadvertently), I immediately switch off. They are, in my opinion, totally pointless.
Re: P ointless celebrities

Also Tara Palmer Tomkinson. Talk about a useless existence. The girl is now well into her thirties and has never held down a job, appears to have absolutely no skills or talent and has made an entire career out of the fact that her parents are friends of Prince Charles.
Re: P ointless celebrities

I always struggle to understand those local people who head along to a nightclubs to see the likes of Bianca Gascoigne in a 'special guest appearance'. People from Big Brother, Emmerdale etc also do these types of appearances.

They know what she looks like. What exactly is the point of seeing a non-entity in the flesh? I am guessing it has a lot to do with a hint of perv'ing. "Oh yeah she looks great in that tight dress" !! Or perhaps the belief that they might 'get off' with her.
Re: P ointless celebrities

Even with actual famous people I wonder why do people queue to get their signature? It is literally someone writing their name why is that such a coup for some people?
Re: P ointless celebrities

"Oh yeah she looks great in that tight dress" !!.

I'd say it's more likely a case of: "hah! knew it - she looks really ropey in the flesh and she has cellulite"
Are they really pointless, I wonder how many people have checked out this thread and there is also that old Irish begrudging feeling that only we have.We say she is only famous for giving him that,or he is famous for been an idiot, I personally say fair play to them if they get make a few quid for been even a tiny bit famous.