Podcasts and MP3 Players


Registered User
I want an MP3 player but still haven't a clue which one to get Ipod or Creative Zen. The arguments on both sides are convincing and I am confused. However, for the moment I really only need the player to be able to download podcasts that I can listen to wherever and whenever is convenient for me. Should I just buy a cheapo one for 50 euro or would ye advise to go the whole hog with a view to future needs which I don't know of yet! Would be grateful for any views.
Have you seen this thread?

Acer 20Gb mp3 player for €93.20 delivered

However that player does have certain quirks and might not be suitable for some non technical users.

In terms of device and software iPods are probably easiest to use for novice users. Creatives and others are not that much more difficult but the Apple stuff just seems to hang together better However you will probably pay a premium for Apple. You should identify the general class of player that you're looking for (e.g. what capacity, hard disk or flash memory, what sort of playback features, what sort of PC software features, will you want video as well as audio etc.), then narrow your search down to a few specific models then start searching for reviews.