Poachers - It's time to get tough !


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For those who have not seen the recent article on deer poaching, please see the following link:


I think the situation is disgraceful and it's time we got tough with poachers - be it poaching deer, salmon etc. The entire licencing system (granted, is not perfect) has been set up to help ensure safe hunting and that there is some form of control on the number of deer, salmon etc killed each year. However, if it is to be ignored, then we've serious problems ahead.

Poachers will virtually eliminate the stock of some types of animals in a couple of years, if permitted to continue to slaughter our stocks without any consideration for the future and thats before we even start to consider some of the dangers associated with the risks poachers take, such as:

- shooting in dangerous areas, where there is limited visibility etc

- putting lines with dozens of hooks or nets across rivers etc.

It's time we get tough on poachers !
Poaching traditionally was illegal due to land rights & ownership,the landowner employing gamekeepers to catch them that were really only taking for the pot or to sell on in order to survive.

Sensible owners tended to turn a blind eye to this as it really was more effort that it were worth.

The resources to enforce it are way beyond the ability of the State to afford.