pmpa share cert


Registered User
hope i'm posting in the correct section, an old aunt asked me to find out about a pmpa share cert that she has in her possesion it reads"as the registered proprietor of one thousand ordinary shares of 10 pence each fully paid in pmpa insurance company ltd. subject to the memorandum and articles of association of the company" dated 1983. i thought that pmpa was bought out by hibernian or axa and asked if she had any notification of transfer of shares or the like, she thinks not.she cant remember buying any shares so would these have been issued during a takeover? any idea of worth? hope i'm not contravening posting guides asking this
Hi Sean

No. You are not contravening any guidelines asking such a question. We just ban speculation about share prices.

PMPA went into liquidation or administration, so I am afraid your shares are worth nothing. If your Aunt has CGT liabilities, she might be able to write the loss off against the gains.

thanks for replies. some questions still outstanding ie dated 1983 would she have bought or just been issued with these shares
more than likely she bough tthem to get a 10% discount on premium and also get some small divdend income.