Plus and minus of estatements with AIB Visa card.

Sue Ellen

Considering my options on switching to estatements on Visa account and would appreciate any other views:

The plus point would be:

1. Less of a security risk in statements being posted out and going astray into wrong hands.

The negative:

1. Having to remember on time to pay the bill and not incur any interest. Statement arriving can act as a reminder. Not interested in setting up direct debit.

2. Having to print off hard copy - this, of course, could be overcome by setting up secure folder and storing on computer.
How about whether financial (or other) institutions will accept a home-printed copy if they request a credit card statement for ID purposes? Institutions often specify an original document, will this suffice?
Hi Sueellen,

I got that notice from Visa a while ago and decided I'd stick with their printed statement. I couldn't see any disadvantage - does it really matter much if someone gets the bill in error? I think it's best to have an official hard copy and the PC prints aren't great. Also if my PC went on the blink or crashed - that could be disasterous, sort of!
It is a problem as some banks will not accept printed out online statements for money laundering purposes.