Plummeting SUV prices


Registered User
I bought an 04 Touareg in Feb for 37500 and am trying to sell however I cant believe the drop in prices. Is this due to Diesel prices sky rocketing. I assumed (in error) that as post July '08 SUV prices and road tax will increase that pre July SUVs might hold their value a bit better. I know pre July '08 efficient cars have lost out as they are now cheaper to buy but didnt think the same would apply to SUVs. Any thoughts?
It was bound to happen with oil prices increasing. A car is a (fast) depreciating asset that takes you from A to B, not an investment. Would you not consider just keeping it for longer?
It looks like Im gonna have to. Was gonna buy a TDi VRS Octavia in Jan but Cowan and his cronies and their timing of the VRT changes prevented me (Car wudve been 4K less after 6 months in July 08). I'll just have to stick it out with my Gas guzzler!!