Plumbing Help Required - New Heating System

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I have recently just moved into my new storey & a half house. For a while before xmas, the only heating system we had was via the stove in the living room. Over christmas, I had my plumber back and installed a new condenser boiler in the a small garage I built to the side of my house.

I am having difficulty in successfully operating the heat in my house when I try and heat my house via the boiler only i.e evenings that we are working late etc and evening that the stove would not be on. There are 3 heating zones in our house, living area/ bedrooms & upstairs as well as the water only. My electrician installed the heating control in the utility room as requested. Control has 4 options, 1 for each zone and 1 for water.

Problem that I am experiencing is when I set the heating to come on, it does not stay on even if I put it on constant. House & radiators will heat in the first instance as normal but the heat will not stay on. For example, if I set heat to come on at 4 and to stay on to 10pm, heat will come on for a while say but will then go off and stay off even though I have it stay on for a considerable no of hrs. I have tried changing the different settings etc but still no I doing something wrong or any advice please?
Please edit the title of your thread to make it more meaningful. This will assist you in getting a better response.

I've also moved your post to the Home Energy forum where these issues are dealt with.
Were motorised valves installed to zone each circuit & were thermostats installed to same?
yeah thermostats in each of the zones and on the rads. there is a 3 switch socket beside the control for the heating that operates the zones. not sure if they are linked to both stove and the boiler, defo are the the stove. pretty sure its motorised valves, sometimes when I change zones, i hear the small motor so i presume this is what it is.
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