This is a money market fund product rather than a savings product.
There is no capital protection with money market funds.
I can't find any details on the Plum website on this. Can anyone else? I can see the GBP MMF details.
On LinkedIN Plum say that their EUR MMF will pay
ECB minus 0.33% to 0.39% which would mean about 3.60%+ but maybe Plum are referring to the rate before TER/fees? The awful Examiner article (largely copy and pasted press release with no critical assessment) says the rate is 3.45%.
MMF have 41% tax on gains but it seems that the Plum MMF pays interest daily (if it operates like the GBP one) - if so, perhaps there are no capital gains and just daily distributions which I guess are subject to income tax? So you would potentially be paying over 50% in tax on this product.
MMF are very popular in the US as an alternative to savings accounts.
There are better options than this product. Good analysis on Reddit
here and also
here of MMF fund options. For example, CSH2 tracks the Euro Short Term rate (about 3.90%) less 0.05% TER with free purchases via Trading212.
Lightyear have apparently started offering Blackrock MMF's too in certain countries but not in Ireland yet.
Good to see Plum target Ireland but it would be nice if they offered a traditional EUR savings account too like they do in the UK. Hopefully, Plum expand their offering here. Also, hopefully other UK providers such as Freetrade and Chip (who both are expanding in Europe) launch here too.