Please show a bit of respect for the Irish Times

Brendan Burgess

Conor Pope had an interesting article in yesterday's Irish Times

Here are 10 of the best sites to help you cut costs

It won’t help you to save money directly, but it will point you in the direction of people who might be able to save you some. It is possible the single greatest personal finance resource catering for an Irish market on the web, and there are more than half-a-million separate posts on the site covering topics as diverse as the new mortgage arrears proposals to where to get the best-value telly packages. There are more than 100,000 postings in the letting off steam section of the website and while at least some of them will be saying how useless this article is, how lazy this writer is and how dead the newspaper industry is, we like it just the same.
Indeed respect to them on this occasion.

The subject line of the thread though had me right back in secondary school, it's like you were the principal addressing the assembly of students in relation to a ritual burning of the Irish Times:D

Conor Pope was the first journalist to highlight the much cheaper corporate plans for health insurance with VHI and others, years ago. People are still struggling to get their heads around the info. We need more like him.


In general, I think he has done a good job of the consumer page of the Irish times. It highlights serious issues and also is readable and light.

He did make a big gaff about the effect of paying your mortgage fortnighty instead of monthly and we did savage him for it.

It's in the past, Conor, we have forgiven you.