PLC course.What grants are available?


Registered User
I am currently doing a Vtos course which is due to end mid-June of this year. I have applied for a Plc course and am just wondering what my entitilments will be if I get onto course. I am currently on one-parent family payment not BTEA. I live approx 13miles from centre where plc course is. I have looked at student, citizens and numerous other websites but cannot get a grip on what exactly I will be entitled to.. Any light on the subject would be greatly appreicated.

Thanks in advance
Your best option would be to make an appointment with the jobs facilitator from your local social welfare office. He/she will be able to tell you what your entitlements are. If you are doing a PLC course you have the option of either staying on Vtos or moving to the BTEA scheme. The facilitator will be able to point out which one is better suited to you ie which one lets you keep your rent allowance (if you get this), and any other entitlements you have.