PlayTV on TV3. Play the game: "Cats and Kittens" how many legs on the bus?



Watching Vincent Browne last night I fell asleep and woke up to "Play The Game" quiz show.The question was how many legs on the bus?
O.K. there are 5 girls travelling on a bus
Each girl has 5 baskets
each basket has 5 cats
each cat has 5 kittens
how many legs on the bus?

I had the answer figured out after a few efforts at trying to wake up fully
25 baskets of 5 cats 125 cats = 500 legs
125 cats with 5 kittens each =625kittens =2500 legs
5 girls=10 legs
total is 3010 or 3012 if a bus driver is factored in.
Or maybe just 10 or 12 if the legs have to actually touch the bus.
Anyway all the above answers were given and all were "wrong Answer" so it saved me from ringing in.
The presenter is very nice but this show is a total con in that they can possibly justify loads of correct answers.
Was the answer given as I fell asleep again?
Re: Play the game many legs?

It's a con.

The standard answer to the riddle is usually 0 as buses don't have legs.
Re: Play the game many legs?

962 was the answer.

The kittens are not on the bus (but they are some times they do this game).

Lots of legs in the picture that need to be counted too.

But yes, it's a misleading game (as found by the bai [broken link removed]). The rules change every time it's played and there is no logic to it.
Re: Play the game many legs?

How did they arrive at 962? Also one would need radar eyes to find legs in the picture..I could barely see that it was a bus in the picture.I repeat this is a type of CAT CON.The only + is I fell asleep again thinking of the presenter.