Playstation3 faulty



Last year just before christmas I bought the kids a 60gb PS3. A few weeks ago it stopped playing the games, it doesnt even register that they are in the system. I have all the box and bits that came with it, I thought I kept the reciept in the box - it's not there. Ive torn my house apart looking for it :(

I called the shop I bought it from (HMV) and asked for advice having bought it cash and now with no reciept they told me right away to call Sony.

Once I told sony the problem with the system the offered no advice on how it could be fixed and told me to send it back for a replacement (they told me its a common problem and they have replaced others) which suggests that its unfixable! I paid €520 for the system and they have told me that without my reciept I must pay €250 for a replacement, its still within warranty but I cant prove it. I really dont want to pay €250 what can I do???
Did you pay by cash / laser or cr card? if by either laser or cr card the amount will show up on a statement, this may suffice???
Hi ,

Sony should know when the unit was made from the batch number printed on it. I would ring Sony again and tell them that you are going to the small claims court if they are not prepared to replace/ repair unit.
We had the exact same problem with the PS3 60GB. Rang Sony and they sent a courier to collect and return the replacement one (took about 4 weeks to get the replacement).

HMV should be able to trace your receipt, even if you paid in cash. If not, Sony should be able to track when bought. I also believe they are no longer selling the 60GB version, therefore it's clearly within the warranty period.
Just a thought ..

.. could SONY be looking for confirmation that you bought it new, as opposed to second-hand. Maybe their warranty obligations aren't transferable ?