Playing Football Beside Cars


Registered User
My pet hate is seeing people playing with footballs around my car. For anyone who has not seen the damage one hit with a football make, it creates multiple long scratches from all the grit on the ball as it deflects off the paintwork.

Now that the lighter nights are coming I have a number of youngster playing on the road outside of my house every evening, it’s only a matter of time before my car is marked by a ball coming in to my driveway. If they were playing competitive football I would have no problem stopping them, but should I stop them having a bit of kick around? What is the legal position?
As a kid we always played ball on the street with loads of cars parked around. When adults complained we could never see the issue.
Now as I am older with my own car and house I can see what I never saw when I was young.
When we were kids if someone came out shouting the odds about ball playing etc... we just carried on regardless and considered the shouter a grumpy old man..

One time a guy came out and asked us to move and spoke to us on a one to one basis without shouting the odds and we moved on...

I think it pays to talk to them first before losing the cool. It can only help!
My pet hate. I had a brand new car in 1999 and it was the first time I had got a new car. Had it about 2 weeks and parked it outside my mams, who has a large green to the front of her house. Lads (teenagers) were playing football when I arrived in but I paid no notice. Came out, noticed a huge dinge on the bonnet where the ball had obviously bounced with some force on the bonnet. Lads gone and me left to foot bill on a car that was two weeks old. I was absolutely fuming.

I live facing a green now and I would still go mad if the kids kicked a ball and it landed on the car. There are no big lads, more smaller kids, up to about 10, so they would not be able to land the ball with such force, but would still damage the car.

I thought I was the only nark about this, but obviously not. It is harder to tell the kids not to play ball on the green as there is really nowhere else for them to play. I just keep a good eye on the car.
My pet hate is seeing people parking where the kids are playing football. G'wan, park 20 yards further away and enjoy the walk.
Wouldn't it be worse if the kids were not playing football, sitting indoors on their Wiis or Playstations?
Try a slither!!

Few large guys play hurling on my road and everytime I see they I remind them they will have to pay if they hit my car - they normally more away (onto the large green right beside us)

I also have a tree & lamp post right outside the house - who needs to put down a couple of sweaters as goals when they have ready made goalpost & can pound my front window with footballs?

I blame the parents . I said it to a few of the parents, most were fine & told their kids not to do it, but 2 were of the opinion they are just kids having fun - relax. I'll relax when they play outside their houses !!

Complainer - there are kids playing football all around our estate - I'd have to park a mile away to be safe. There are loads of greens where they can play and far enough away that the power would be gone from the kick by the time the ball would hit the road/car.

I love seeing the kids out playing (my own included) but the has to be respect for peoples property.
Wouldn't it be worse if the kids were not playing football, sitting indoors on their Wiis or Playstations?

Why would it be worse for the person worried about their car? The thing that get me is these kids/teenagers never play outside their own front doors. Their parents won't allow them to damage their cars or homes.