and VAT


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"Got a letter this morning from Revenue charging me for VAT and handling on a DVD box set purchased from

I had thought that purchasing from Play was above board but seemingly after talking to Revenue because Play ship from Jersey through the UK and pay UK VAT, the Gov are getting browned off and want Play to pay Irish VAT when posting to Ireland. The woman told me they've been told to stop most items and send out the charge for VAT (including a 5euro handling fee). When they receive the money they'll send out the packages."

Not good.
So they should be deducting UK VAT from the price and then charging Irish VAT instead? Or is there a double charge to VAT?
I have ordered about €200 of Cd's and DVD's from Play in the last two weeks and had no issue - that said they came in "dribs and drabs" not altogether so individually they may not have registered as being big enough to chase for Vat and Duty as well ?
I recently received a box set (16 discs) from Play - delivered via a shipping company, not An Post - and had no issues..... yet.....
I had to pay EUR 14 duty on a DVD boxset from earlier this week - is this now the norm? I'm waiting on 3 others, hope I don't have to pay duty on all of them...
I had to pay EUR 14 duty on a DVD boxset from earlier this week - is this now the norm? I'm waiting on 3 others, hope I don't have to pay duty on all of them...

If you are ordering from the US then you do have to pay that VAT or whatever its called for goods above a certain value. (I think).

Play send everything separately - so long as the value is under the €22 threshold you should be ok.
Am I right in saying that Jersey is not part of EU?


They usually ship via Germany and as a result I have never had a customs charge levied. Anything above €45 can be hit with VAT.
Someone has just told me they were charged €12 tax on 1 cd ordered on - by An Post which included an adminstration charge

Why would revenue suddenly hit small items such as these? Are the retailers here lobbying them?

Who the hell is going to use online webstores if they get hit not only for the difference saved but also pay a few euro on admin costs of An Post??

I'd say the retailers here are putting pressure on the Revenue Commissioners.

Which is well out of order considering the inflated prices and poor selection offered in shops over here. I wouldn't mind a little extra for some DVDs and CDs in my local shop but when they refuse point blank to stock certain titles I have no option but to go online.

All of this helps who coincidentally now have a centre here and post from Ireland.
Got a DVD from Cd Wow delivered today and it was posted from Luxembourg -it had no declared value on the front. I thought Cd Wow shipped everything from Hong Kong, -obviously not.
Yes Jersey is not part of E.U.

Our Government, and Civil Service, do not like competition and do whatever is in their power to ensure their tax take is maximised, especially when it comes to preventing competition. Preservicng high prices is in their interest as their tax take is higher as a result of their actions.

Similar strategies have resulted in the extortionate VRT system and, most recently, the increases in Health Insurance, Electricity, Gas and pretty much anything withing their influence.

Its all hit and miss me. I know no one likes to pay duty but they are just doing what they are supposed to do. The best advice is to try and buy within the EU or if you are buying from the others buy single items rather than conolidated orders. There are exemption thresholds for receiving by post and if you are under these, generally it is OK.

Re the comments on An Post-I have had the pleasure of doing audits of customs procedures for postal imports (not on behalf of An Post -in a neutral context). Postal customs clearance is much much cheaper that commercial customs charges which are about 6 times more expenisive and in some cases, more than the goods are worth.

Re getting CD Wow items from Lux or Amazon from Dublin, I would be more inclined to think that this is the result of what is known as Extra Territorial Offices of Exchange (ETOE's)-that is items say from HK bulk shipped to Lux and then put throught the postal network of Lux with lus post mark. This is done to reduce costs of shipping-and does not mean that the items originate in this country.
CD Wow normally have a Declared Value on the front e.g. EUR 20.99 but on my DVD from Lux it just said No Declared Value and of course no Customs Declaration.
So Cd Wow could do you a favour on that DVD Box set you order and send it to you from Lux even though it's really from Honk Kong and maybe you would avoid custom duty.
After reading this thread, I ordered a DVD box set from Amazon rather than Play. As it turned out, with packaging and VAT it worked out only €1.50 dearer. This seems to me to be worth it as you are guaranteed not to get hit with further charges. First time I have bought anything off Amazon in years.

I agree with other posters that Revenue/An Post should find more productive ways to spend their time. (An Post might try and look to make a profit every now and again). Competition is good people...
Tallpaul: I think you missed the gist of Luternau's point when he stated that the charges were hit and miss and that An Post charged up to less than 6 times what other couriers charged for collecting this tax. I don't know how you can blame An Post for the charge. If customs decide to charge revenue/duty/vat on any item An Post have to collect this charge and forward they money collected to the customs. Do you really expect them to do this for nothing? my dad was a postie and they hated taking money off customers, (even cash on delivery ones!!) he said that if you had a parcel with customs on it etc you were 'marked out' with it on delivery and when you returned you either had to have the parcel or the money back with you. ( An Post might try and look to make a profit every now and again - think you will find that an post has about €200 million in cash from profits over the past few years)
I agree with other posters that Revenue/An Post should find more productive ways to spend their time. (An Post might try and look to make a profit every now and again). Competition is good people...
There is no better way to spend ones time than to do your job. In this case both An Post and Revenue seem to be doing exactly this. Its not so long ago that guns were being sent by post because it was so lax-this is no longer the case.
I suppose people resent the fact that Customs are in the Airport too, doing their job and performing random searches on people coming off the plane from NY. If they are charging VAT and Duty on the importers of these goods for sale on the high street what is so wrong with them enforcing the same rules on Joe public getting off a plane or through mail order?
Personally I was horrified last Sat week to see people walking through the red channel and no customs officers there. Go to Zurich, Paris or anywhere else and there are always Customs officers present-doing their job! Article in Sun Times saying that some people spending 2-3k in NY and not paying duty here.
The issue is really the high taxes we pay on just about everything. We all have a hand in this whether we want to admit it or not. Recently it was stated that if the tax foregone to the exchequer from the black economy, was collected, it would result in about a reduction of approx 4% on tax bands and reduce VAT by about 1 or 2%. That would considerably ease the burden of tax in your pocket, pay for some decent public transport, schools , hospitals and roads.
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