Plastic surgery - what's your opinion


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At a meeting recently I met a guy who had had plastic surgery- his face was completely free of expression. It took me a little while to realise what it was about him that looked so strange- my eyes were drawn to looking at his face because it was so odd - had he not had surgery he probably would have been quite good looking. It was almost disconcerting to look at him and I had to stop myself from staring! Has anyone else noticed anyone with such obvious surgery & how did you react. After the meeting people were sitting around chatting & laughing and it was like he wasn't able to laugh properly because of the tightness of the skin on his face.
Met an old schoolmate recently whose face was suspiciously smooth and 'pillow face' looking. Turned out she has been having botox and fillers for years. Did she look good? In a way yes, in a still expression, but her facial movement was very restricted so she seemed far less animated than she used to. Was it obvious? Definitely, very obvious that there was something 'off' about her ability to use her facial expressions. She also looked faintly surprised all the time. It wouldnt encourage me to do it at all.

On the other hand I know two friends with boob jobs and both very happy with the results, and both very natural looking - not supersized, just right for their shapes. Wouldnt have a clue if I met them for the first time that they were fake. Both cases were girls who were very flat chested originally and went to C cups. Really improved self confidence as a result.
If I wasn't so scared of knives and laser lights near my eyes I'd be very open to having some work done to my eyes. However, I cannot even read about laser eye surgery without feeling faint. I also have a fear about being knocked out.
Well all the top Hollywood celebs spend the most money on the best surgeons available, and I'd say that 95% of them look worse than if they had aged naturally.
Hi guys, but what if he had surgery because I don't know... His face got into flames and he had to recover some attractiveness?

Or am I missing something???
Someone I know,had their ears pinned back,he was delighted with it and was much more confident too.

Lots of people I know have had botox and they look amazing,perhaps the celebs have no friends that can tell them they have gone far enough.!

I see some celebs who have had procedures,and they look great,until the next time and time after,they just go to far,and look like they have had something done,which is not what most people are after,

Most are after a fresher look,and anyone I know who has had it done,looks great.

Would I have it a heartbeat.
I would definitely have a nose job,nothing major just to remove a slight bump that I got in an accident as a kid.

I think that for some people who have a body issue that it is brilliant that plastic surgery is available to them.I would say anyone and everyone getting anything done should only make minor changes and usually that's all people want too.

I know of a woman who had a car accident in the 80s,her face was in her words destroyed,plastic surgery wasn't an option then.
I also know a woman who had breast cancer,and had a mastectomy,some years later she had a boob job.

So all in all,it has its uses,its a pity some go too far.
But then again some go too far with false tan,teeth whitening,hair dye ,make up etc,however plastic surgery is permanent and obviously theres a a degree of chance involved.
The woman I know who had a nose job,had honestly got a huge nose..she looks much better now.