Plaster stuck to bath and shower base


Registered User
Hi all,
just moved into our new house on tuesday and wondering does anyone have an idea how to get rid of some plaster that has stuck onto the side of the bath and shower base, there were some bigger bits and got them off but there are a few that are hard remove...... any house wife/husband tricks out there to try !
Yes! I presume your talking about sand/ cement (grey) plaster as opposed to "gypsum" (pink/ cream)? Soak the affected area in neat, distilled white vinegar and allow to soak into the plaster for a couple of hours or so. Vinegar will remove cement "bloom" and cement based tiling adhesive and grouts from most surface. Scrub the affected area with a stiff brush to dislodge the treated cement. If you have a lot of areas to treat 9or badly marked surfaces) go to your builders' providers and buy a gallon of brickwork cleaner. This is acid based (stronger than household vinegar) and will remove all cement quite easily but be careful- it's acid, dangerous and won't do your metal bathroom fittings any good. When done rinse down the whole area with plenty of clean water.