Plants that dont need much Attention


Registered User

So Gardening is not my hobby and I cannot say I enjoy it. So we got the backlawn paved and now I am looking for any plant which I wont need to attend to much

Is there such a plant maybe a colourful one to brighten the grey pavement ?

Fatsia Japonica might suit your needs. It is like an outdoor version of a cheese plant. An evergreen with big shiny leaves. Aquilega is very pretty, aka "grannys bonnet" it will flower in June. Climbers like honeysuckle, jasmin or clematis are quite hardy and can be supported in pots with stakes. Bamboo is another evergreen which requires little care, but because it is trendy now, it is quite expensive. Lavender, rosemary and camomile will give scent as well as flowers (full sun). Budleja aka butterfly bush has a lovely scent. Which way does your garden face?

thanks for the suggestions will have a look at them

Its a siuth facing front house but it does get its share of sun out the back

Thanks again will check these plants out along with the websites