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I just recieved planning today.What the next step forward do I get prices for the house being build or do I go and sort out the morgage?Dont know if I will go direct labour or not so its hard to know how much money I will need from the bank.Where do I start to look for morgage?get a broker or what?
Apply for your moragage and get quotes is my suggestion as to get both back can take time.

To work out your borrowing at this early stage is fairly simple. Take the build costs per sq ft in your area and multiply by the size of your home. Add 30/60k for finishing (how lavish do you want your home) and then add 10 to 15%. Its very rough and ready but it gives you an idea of your budget.

For example:
Build costs in Cork €75 per sq ft
Size of house = 2500 sqft

€75*2500 = €187500
Plus fittings, €187500 + €45k= €232,500
Contingency is 10% = €255,750

So I would ask the bank for ~€260,00. Once you are through the initial mortgage process quotes should be back and you will be able to fine tune the application.
Building a 2000sqft bungalow in the cork have my own site do you think ill go over the 200k mark?
I stumbled on a website yesterday, it might be of some help- [broken link removed]
Definately have your mortgage sorted first then get a few detailed quotes for the build. Make sure you check references and draw up a contract outlining EVERYTHING. €200k seems a little low imo.
When we were building we got a quote from
We didnt end up going with them and built direct ourselves but they gave a very competive quote and laid out costs in a estimate.

I cant recommend them as I didnt go with them.