Planning query re above ground extension . .


Registered User
I'd like to extend a bedroom above a kitchen which juts out at the rear of a house. The planning regulations 2001 state the following as limitations to planning exempt development . .

3. Any above ground floor extension shall be a distance of not less than 2 metres from any party boundary.

(b) Any window proposed above ground level in any such extension shall not be less than 11 metres from the boundary it faces.

My extension would fall at both these hurdles. Does anyone here know if these limitations also apply when looking for planning permission?
Simple answer to your query is (possibly) no. Just because what you want to do falls outside the parameters/conditions for exempt develpment does not mean you would not get planning permission for what you want to do.

You just need to apply for planning permission and if the planners deem your proposed extension acceptable (giving all consideration to planning matters, light, neighbours, the development plan standards, etc.) they will grant permission.