Planning Query:Granted with Conditions


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Hi All

Looking for a little Advice.

Building a single storey extension out the back of 28sqm this is exempt as it is under 40sqm and leaves the required space in the garden. While doing this work we also decided to put in off street parking in the garden to the side and also install a window in the gable end of the house. We also looked at getting permission for a Dormer in the attic.

When the architect sent in planning he included the extension on the planning permission request. What has happend now is that the Planner has granted permission with conditions.The condition being we change the footprint of the extension, this would mean that the extension we build would be an extremley awkward shape and totally unworkable for the required use (Kitchen) it would also add extra expense as the roof would be weird.

The condition was attached as an objection was lodgged by a neighbour claiming loss of natural light. The planner has noted that the extension would be exempt but as the objection has been lodged has applied best practice guidlines and asked that we alter the shape.

My architect is trying to get in touch with the planner to see if we can ignore the planning permission granted and just build the exempt extension. We would then later apply for the additions that we have been granted.

Does anyone have any experience of this or any advice?

PS When we got the architects drawings I left a copy in which each neighbour and asked if they had any concerns to let me know and I would try to address them. I thought this thing of natural light was no longer an entitlement.
I would class myself as a good neighbour and would address the problem by stepping back the extension from the party wall and reduce hight and lenght if it was to appease genuine concerns but I'm a little P#**@d that the neighbour didn't contact me directly rather than lodge an objection.
yes I hear ye!

dont fight the council. It's not worth it.
Let the architect do the talking on your behalf.
Get a solicitor who's good just in case BUT before you do this raise your concerns with your architect.
He gets paid by you and works for you.
Tell him what you want.
TheBlock said:
.. What has happend now is that the Planner has granted permission with conditions .. but I'm a little P#**@d that the neighbour didn't contact me directly rather than lodge an objection.

So it's not just me then.

We had something similar last year. We decided against going ahead with what we intended and reduced the scope. We feared the neighbour would become high-maintenance for the duration of the build and I had lost patience with them at that stage.
Hi im just wondering we were granted planning for a 3400sq ft bunglow this week which is brilliant but we now want to reduce the size of this house to about 2400sq ft,does this affect the permission,can we just go ahead and build the 2400sq ft plans 1 or do we have to go through the whole slow planning process again?I was told that because im not changing the style or elevation etc.. just making the same house smaller it shouldn't matter.
If any1 has any info on this let me know as soon as possible please