Seriams, don't worry about people thinking you are a begrudger. Your reasons are your own. However the reasons for not allowing pp are very specific. The nature of the proposed development must be such that it is in contravention of existing planning guidelines e.g density.Check out as to whether or not the original development was reduced in size. If so, and it is often the case, this is relevant.
You have no right to a view, however you do have rights to light.Furthermore, there is a very specific amount of land needed in order to allow for the building of a 4 bed house. It is unlikely, unless the end site is very large, that the plans will allow this. This never stops people applying and very often it is not spotted in the planning office.A person who draws plans eg an architectural technician will be able to see this by looking at the plans, if you don't feel confident about this.
The proposed development must not be detrimental to the visual amenity of the area, in other words it must be in keeping with the existing development. So if someone is trying to put up something totally differant this is relevant.
What is called access and egress is also a relevant point i.e if the entrance /exit is on a corner and is potentially dangerous the planning authorities will not allow it.
Your personal likes or dislikes are not relevant. Planning is allowed/disallowed on the above points.Do a search either on line or in the council offices on any previous decisions re this development.If the previous development had to go to An Bord Pleanala you should be able to get the relevant file nos from your own council and then research it. You must object/make a submission in the first instance to your council. Thereafter, only people who first objected are allowed appeal to An Bord Pleanala. The objection/submission is best done in bullet points with the file no clearly stated as reference and on the covering envelope. Time is of the essence. Finally it only takes one valid objection ,you don't need to involve neighhbours if you don't want.
The people applying may well be within their rights, the planners will decide. They may also be flying a kite hoping that the neighbours will be too embarrassed to do anything.They are not doing this for enjoyment, they want to benefit, it is up to you to make sure they don't benefit wrongly at your expense. So to .....with anyone who says you're a begrudger