Planning permission timelines


Registered User

Can anyone tell me what timelines are involved in a planning application for an extension? My understanding is that you apply for planning permission and with all going well, the following steps take place:

1. Co. Council reply with provisional approval
2. Objectors have 4 weeks to appeal to An Bord Pleanala
3. Co Council issue certificate of commencement
4. Owner sends in notice of commencement

Is the above correct and if so, how long does it normally take to receive a certificate of commencement after the 4 week appeal period and must there be a gap between sending in the notice of commencement and actually starting the work?

I live in Kildare by the way....


I had a look at it before I posted but it doesn't mention certificates of commencement and notices of commencement. I was told that there can be a time lag between the lapse of the appeal period to An Bord Pleanala and the issue of the certificate of commencement but I'm not sure if its an administrative lag or a set time period. Using Google, I found a link to Galway Co Council which says that a notice of commencement must be send to the council a set number of weeks before work commences but other links seem to imply that a notice of commencement is only required when a planning exempt build is taking place.... I suspect that different Co. Councils may require different things.
With your final grant of Planning, the Local Authority send out the Commencement Notice. You can also download it.
Send it in 2 - 4 weeks before you plan on building.
If you've already started building, send it in anyway. The most important thing is that they received it.

Locals have 4 weeks to object to ABP, provided they objected to the Application originally. If there are no objections, you will be issued with your final grant.

8 weeks for provisional Grant of Permission.
In short, If luck is on your side, an application can take about 4 or 5 months, however should the decision be appealed, you could be waiting for about a year

planning permissions take some time. Usually for an extension and assuming that no one appeals your application, it takes about four or five months to get a notificaction of a decision to grant or a refusal decision. The appeals period after this decision is one month. Once this has passed and you were granted permission, you will get your final decision to grant provided no one has appealed. ON the other hand if your application was refused and you wish to appeal it, or if someone has objected to your granted planning permission and wishes to appeal it (ie someone in your neighbourhood) you should expect to wait another 8 months these days from the appeals board because they are inundated with cases.
The steps for planning are:

1. Send in application, objectors have 4 weeks to lodge objection
2. After initial 4 weeks, another 4 weeks before decision is made.
3. If granted decision is sent to An Bord Pleanala for a further 4 weeks (objections can be lodged there for about €250 or a decision appealed) before final permission is given.
4. When commencement notice is submitted min. 21 days notice before any works commence on site (they do check this in Kildare!)

all going well you would be able to start works about 4 months after applying for planning.
Perhaps you should check with the council if the extension requires planning, it might not if under a certain size
Perhaps you should check with the council if the extension requires planning, it might not if under a certain size
You can get a rough idea .

So if you don't get an objection in the first two months you can start after the 2 weeks from that date ?
So if you don't get an objection in the first two months you can start after the 2 weeks from that date ?

Starting work really has nothing to do with objections. If anyone wishes to object to a planning application they have 5 weeks to do so from the date the application is received by the Planning Authority.

If the PA decide to grant permission there is a 4 week period after this in which an appeal can be made. If there are no appeals you would then receive your "final grant" and after that you need to submit a commencement notice giving the date you propose to commence works which must be between 2 and 4 weeks from the date you submit the commencement notice

Hope this makes sense