Planning permission Sterilised land




First post here never been on a forum before so please forgive the errors.
My Problem:
Applied for planning permission on a site that was agreed to be sterilized over ten years ago but the agreement was not recorded in the CC(Even though the agreement was supposed to be signed and submitted at the time by land owner).
This fact was only learned after my application was submitted so it's been omitted i.e. I said the land has no planning issues.
I've been advised by numerous people Architect,my TD and by two people I "know" have worked with CC in past(off record) to carry on regardless and see how things go.There's a history of building on this type of land in the area,people seem to have no problem applying and in most cases getting permission so if all the other problems can be overcome after 50 or so Further informations!! permission may be granted.I do meet all criteria required local need etc.
I'm in touch with my solicitor on the issue.Not looking good from the legal side.
Has anyone been involved in a similar situation or attenpted to get sterilization removed?
I've been told if the CC grant permission on the site that it will over rule previous action......the problem is they will not have all the info if permission is granted and it may cause problems later.All the advice given so far are peoples opinion rather than experience.
Any advise from experience would be much appreciated.