Planning permission required ?


Registered User

Is the planning permission route the only one available when changing something on your house ? I was wondering if the change was considered to be minor is there such a system as getting approval via a letter from the local authority or something similar ?

Query based on this circumstance....the side of my house is visible over my wall from the road in our housing estate and my concern is that this might give me a problem making a small change to it. The original planning permission showed 6 foot wide french doors which subsequently went in as 4 foot wide french doors in this gable end - a mistake by the builder which we chose to live with at the time and have never updated the planning drawing with this 2 foot correction. However due to some internal re-modelling I wish to replace the doors with a window. Given that the planning application was for the door ope of 6 foot by 7 foot (door height), is it a big deal if I replace this with a 6 foot by maybe 4 foot high window repairing the wall underneath to match the existing wall ?

As this doesn't impact on any neighbours, the view is not into anyone's garden or house through said doors, and the ope is effectively half the ope that was granted at planning, is it posible that this is a case where PP is not required or where an application for retention would be an easier way to handle it ?

Many thanks,
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What you are doing is in substantial compliance with what you were originally granted permission for. Ground floor window / doors have no impact, from a planning point of view, regarding overlooking any elses land.

My advice would be:
1. Dont go near the council.. their advice will always be to submit an application

2. If any neighbour gets nosy, tell them what you are doing doesnt require planning.

3. If the work requires loan / mortgage you will need to hire someone to certify that the work is exempt from planning.... pass all this by them first before work commences. They really should have no problem signing it off