Planning Permission Obtained?


Registered User
How can you tell for definite whether planning permission was obtained for works carried out to a house?

Have searched on SDCC's website using the address as a keyword in the location field and nothing is returned.

Does this mean that permission was not obtained or is there some other searches to perform?
You can go into their offices and inspect their maps. If what you are asking is - works have been carried out on a house and I want to check if planning permission was applied for, that will answer your question.

If what you want to know is, was planning permission necessary for works that were carried out, then either that will be made clear when, if you are buying, on receiving contracts and viewing the Architects /Engineer's Opinion furnished or when your own surveyor inspects the property. Equally, if interested in property, you can ask the question before putting in an offer.

The search function on some of these sites is not always intuitive. For example a comma between number and name of road could prevent a hit. Try it with the road name only, and scan the list instead.
Hi. If you call them give them the address and they will give you the planning number. You can then go on line and view all documents in connection with the property(the planning application, floor and site plans, when permission was granted and what was granted etc). I assume SDCC'S website is the same or siilar to Dublin City Councils(thats the one my property is on). Its very usefull. I only found out last week that the builder got permission for something completely different to what he built. If you go into the civic offices on the quays(not sure if its the same place for SDCC) they will just hand you the whole file. I did this last week but to be honest the paper file that they have is exactly the same as what is on line. By the way anybody call contact them and request the planning number. All you need is the address. They dont ask for yor own details
If it is pre-98 you will have to use the SDCC's archive planning search rather than their normal one. I think it is linked on the normal planning system page at the top..