Planning Permission Needed?



I need to widen my driveway but have been told by neighbours that I must first seek planning permission, is this true?
I have a small wall with pillars either side of the current entrance. My intention is to break down one pillar and increase the width of the driveway by approx 3 feet.
Thanks for any help on the matter.
Re: Planing Permission Needed?

Ring your county council and talk to the planning department, they will be able to answer you over the phone.
Re: Planing Permission Needed?

Suscon said:
I need to widen my driveway but have been told by neighbours that I must first seek planning permission, is this true?
I have a small wall with pillars either side of the current entrance. My intention is to break down one pillar and increase the width of the driveway by approx 3 feet.
Thanks for any help on the matter.

Almost certainly yes. You need planning to move a front driveway pier. Unlikely to be refused I'd imagine.
Re: Planing Permission Needed?

You deffinitely need permission in Dublin anyway, and I'd imagine that's the case elsewhere. You can search the planning notices online. Shouldn't be a problem as long as you're not making it significantly wider than neighbouring properties. I saw one refused before where the applicant was looking to put in a double width driveway. Reason for refusal was they didn't want to set a precedent.
Re: Planing Permission Needed?

visit your local county council first and take their advice
afaik you are not allowed to widen the "dishing" in the footpath yourself, even with pp- the council have to do that (and they are certainly not going to do it if you haven't had permission to widen the gate!)

Also, obvious perhaps, but remember that, if you have actual gates, they won't fit the new opening- enlarging wrought iron gates can be pretty pricey.
golden mean said:
enlarging wrought iron gates can be pretty pricey.

We had this done a few years back and it was not too expensive. Definitely cheaper than having to buy a new set of gates.