planning permission in wifes brothers name


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My father in law has a site he inherited from his father, he got planning permission on this site in the name of his son (my wifes brother).

The site has been promised to us.

What is the most efficient way tax wise to do this?

If the father in law gifts my wife the site can we start building on it or does the fact that the planning permission is in her brothers name cause a problem?
My understanding of the situation is that permission has been granted to build on that particular piece of land & it doesn't matter who's name the application was submitted in.
so you think that we can go ahead and build our house without having to change the name on the planning application?

do you know if there are any Tax or Stamp Duty implications of my wife receiving a gift of the site from her father?
ANC said:
so you think that we can go ahead and build our house without having to change the name on the planning application?

do you know if there are any Tax or Stamp Duty implications of my wife receiving a gift of the site from her father?

Ask an accountant about the tax implications of transferring the site then consult a solicitor about transferring ownership of the site into your names.
Then you can build!