Planning Permission for temporary home

Family Guy

Registered User
I have a 2 acre site and my aim/hope is to apply for full PP. At this time I do not have the access to funds in order to start a build. In the meantime I was wondering if I could get permission for a temporary unit (mobile or cabin) on the site, as we would like to save up for the mortgage and deposit. My thoughts are:
1. Apply for full PP , with a proviso that temporary accomodation be included on the site until build is complete, then removed immediately
2. Apply for PP for a temporary unit, until we are in a position to go ahead with the full PP

Could anyone tell me if the procedure for applying for full PP is the same for a house as it would be for a temporary unit. And would having temporary permission as in point 2, hamper my chance of getting full PP on the same spot for a permenant structure down the line ?

Most likely, no. You will not get permission for a temp home as no matter how short a time you must live in it, it needs to meet current building regulations and that would not be a viable financial decision.

Whatever about getting permission to keep a mobile on site while construction works are ongoing, you may have some change with that for a particular time frame.

Have a meeting with the local planner and see if they will allow the temp home while works progress.