Planning Permission for Detached Garage ??


Registered User

I am planning to replace my existing pre-fab single garage with a standard construction (concrete block build) double garage.

What are the rules regarding planning permission?

The existing (and new garage) is /will be to the rear of the house, i.e. in the back garden so the house is between it and the road , I think this might exempt it from needing planning, but I guess there are some size restrictions also, can't find anything online, Anyone with advice?, I am in County Cork.


Hi RSMike,

It would seem that you would have to take the floor area and roof height into account also.

See here:
[broken link removed]
Look up the website

There is a link to the planning department on this page. The planning department guidelines are all,on here, as well as the planning permission forms. You can also just ring them, they are usually fairly helpful.
What if you have planning permission to build it on one side of you site but now wish to build on the other?
I may also change the roof so the gable ends are not facing the same way as planning permission was granted for?
Will i have to Re-Apply for Permission to do so
Hi F.D, sounds like a pretty fundamental change to what the permission was granted for, so I would imagine you would need to reapply. A phone call to your planning office should clarify matters.
Thanks to everyone who answered.

tups7, Cork Co Co do not seem to have any information in their online planning info about exempted development, they say you have to get leaflets from their office for details.

However I am sure the information on the Meath Co Co supplied by teddyk is correct also for Cork.

Looks like I will need planning permission (sigh...), as I will exceed the 25sq metre limit. Ah well it will force me to do more accurate plans.

Exempted development is the same in all counties, The Department of the Environment's website has some good information about planning and exempted developments. They have those leaflets that the Cork co co website mentions online too

Cork County Council usually have no problem in giving planning for a double garages as long as long as they are for domestic use, make sure you state that in the press notice and application form when you go for planning