planning permission for a single house in North Tipperary but have no percolation



Hi all

I am preparing to apply for planning permission for a single house in North Tipperary but have no percolation on the site i.e when water is poured into trial holes the water stays put.
Just to complicate matters there is a river bordering the site.

Does anyone know if this is a complete show stopper?

I can't seem to get a definite answer from anyone.

The site is a full acre so space is not an issue.

Thanks in advance
Re: No percolation

As far as i know its not a show stopper. Intead of discharging to groundwater you ll need to discharge to surface water. I think this requires a discharge license. Also you should consider the qualifications of the person who conducted the percolation test. Did they suggest that the site might have poor percolation? Did they suggest a trial at a different location on site. Have they given you any info on how to proceed
Thanks for reply meathman99

I've had 2 different people look at percolation and wheras I'm doubtful of qualifications of first person, second person is fully qualified.
Yes they did say that there was no percolation because soil is of a certain type (gley soil apparently)

I did suggest second location in site but was told that it wouldn't make much of a difference.
I am waiting to see if they will give me more information on a way to get around this but am not hopeful.
