Planning Laws for extension


Registered User

Just wondering if anyone knows about planning laws. I have a cottage that I want to extend, but I wouldn't have enough room to comply with new planning laws (i.e. if I was to build a new house). I am hoping that the laws are differnt for extensions.

My question is if I was to build an extension that wouldn't encroach on the Septic tank i.e. more than 8m away would I

1 - Have to upgrade the septic tank.
2 - Have to put in a percolation area (which I don't have room for).

Or would I get away with the existing set up. I know this is very vague, but hopefully someone might have an idea. In Co. galway.
The Planning Department sometimes make use of a "while you're at it" approach to Planning Applications:
So if you are applying for Permission for an extension, they'll include a "while you're at it", upgrade your septic tank to a treatment unit etc.

Talk to a local architect.
You would need to determine if you require permission or if it is exempetd development. [broken link removed] should help. The document is from Donegal County Council's website but the same regs apply all over the country.

If the extension is exempt from planning then I would think you are OK but just be careful if you dont have the area required for percolation. This could cause problems further down the line
Thanks for the replies,

The extension in my head at the moment would be more that 40sqm, and so would require planning.

I am waiting on some engineer to get back to me - hard men to get - all seem very busy.

My own naive hope would be that because I am extending, I might get away with the planning laws that were there at the time in relation to the septic tank and percolation area. I simly don't have room / distance to fit one and it would mean that I would have to approach a farmer for some land behind my house, which is currently kind of part of his mother garden (unused veg patch) and while I may get it, it would could drive costs out of budget.

This whole "while you're at it" is a bit worring, but understandable I suppose.