planning in wexford-failed percolation test


Registered User
hi. i am in the process of planning in wexford, just found out my application failed on enviromental issues. At the start the site failed perculation test, as with wexford planning authority if any site fails perculation test there must be a running stream close to the site for effluent discharge. my stream was polluted so that was non runner. submitted a reed bed system which they turned down! have heard it is possible to import soil of better drainage to the site and replace present soil which can then pass! anybody tried this or any suggestions.
Re: planning in wexford-failed perculation test

Hi there,

We have the exact same problem in Co Wexford. Site failed percolation but we are going to investigate if there is anywhere else on the site that we can put a septic tank and it would pass - we haven't submitted the actual application yet. Also, I've heard that they won't accept the reed system in Wexford but that comment was from an engineer not the council themselves.... Have you discussed it with the council planners to see if there are any options open to you?

our problem is that wexford is one of only two counties that has this discharge into a stream if you fail the perculation test. the problem with our stream is that 4 or 5 other houses are running into it. have not discussed the matter with the council yet but im told if you fail the perculation test that you have to have a stream or tough luck. i have been told that if you get the soil replaced in an area of your site with soil of better drainage and then get the perculation test done in that exact place it will pass!!
Based in Cork - had the same problem. We imported soil for the percolation area, planning were perfectly happy with that.
thanks munsterdude, i will have to do this. just wondering on what scale it is done i.e how much soil do you replace? from your post i gather you told ther council that you were importing soil, and i was thinking it was something you would not tell the council!
Wasnt that much soil as i recall - basically had to dig out trenches (i think a meter wide) and put in the better soil, together with light gravel. There were pipes with drip holes involved too if i remember correctly