Planning Granted, have not commenced changes to make

Jolly Man

Registered User
Sorry about the title, thought was the best summary. Have recieved planning but have not commenced work on site yet, and i want to add a sun room on to the side of the house would i be as well off submit it now and if i do would it effect the main planning already granted or should i wait until i have started the build and then submit? Or will i build it now and go for retention whats the best way around it bearing in mind i was a year and a half trying to recieve planning.
a few points
1. in order to build now and apply for retention, you would have to OK it with your engineer / architect (certifier)
2. if you apply for retention, to the letter of the law, you will be applying for permission to retain the whole house as constructed.... (an extension can only be added onto an existing build) therefore fee will be bigger
3. if you submit for planning it will take a min of 12 weeks again 9this may not suit your timescale)
4. do not start and then submit plans... you will be forced to cease construction and seek permission to retain and complete...(you do not want the construction exposed to the elements for 12 weeks with nothing happening)......

i would advise you to consult whoever is certifing your project.. its their call really.....
Ah Syd, thats a bit of a reality check alright so if i was to submit it now, could it potentially allow the council to revist the planning that is already granted on the main building?
what if the sunroom is less than 40sq m ie is exempted? can you avoid having to seek permission in this case?

what you have permission for cannot be changed or augmented.....

its highly unlikely (gulp!) that you would be refused permission for a sun room, but you cannot build the sun room in tandem with the dwelling while an application is on-going....

you MAY be able to build the dwelling while the application for the sun room is on-going... (check with your LA on that).. but anyway, that may not suit either....
an extension to the side or front of a dwelling is not exempt... (there are other conditions to exemption too.....)
Only exempt if the room is to the rear of the house! So if i apply for it now wait the 12 weeks i can commence assuming its granted!!! And there is no way they can revisit our original plan. You might have guessed by now we had a torrid time getting the initial planning
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sydthebeat (thats an awful user name ) is spot on with his posts above.

The original permission for your house will remain regardless of the outcome of an application for a sun room.As syd mentioned you should really talk it over with whoever is supervising your works.

If you have only recently got permission the chances are that you wont be in a position to start for a good few weeks - getting builders etc. My advice would be to do it by the book bearing in mind that you had some difficulty getting PP for the house. Get your application in ASAP and by the time you are ready to start you will have permission hopefully for your sun room.
thanks nuttynut... (? ?)...

it my homage to Mr Roger Keith Barrett....
1st anniversary... shine on....
Ok guys thanks for the help, due to pour the foundations in the next two weeks so would it be too presumtious of me to allow for the foundations for this and then hold out on the rest of it until i have recieved planning?
it would be a very good idea to pour the foundations for this together with the founds for the main dwelling....

you could then just cover them with hardcore if you want to be sure of no trouble from the council.... otherwise you could leave them exposed for the duration of the application and if anything crops up you could argue that you are just going to build a 1.2 m block wall on them (that wall would be exempt from permission)....
I poured my extension foundations with my original house, and they were my 'patio' for several years until the €€ came along to build it.

Don't forget to allow tails out for water/heating, a lot of trouble later !!