Planning expert Roscommon area


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I have been turned by by An Bord Pleanala for planning, although their inspector recommended granting. The decision is not very well explained, connected to the sewage treatment of either our house or one of the 2 either side....
I am wondering if we changed the configuration of the site if we could apply again successfully.

Does anyone know a Planning expert who is familiar with Roscommon that I could consult.

Hi financially,

I cannot recommend another professional in that area. I have heard tell of one professional who nearly undid a permission by including a treatment system with a lesser specification. Turned out there was a business connection to the supplier. I came across another professional who submitted information that led to confusion, because not to have done so would have exposed an error in a previous permission he achieved. Its difficult to recommend such persons - unless you have personal experience of them you never know.

That being said, there are several posters other on AAM who have recent experience of one off planning permissions in rural locations who may be able to offer advice. I know RKQ gives that impression and there are one or two others around also. One poster achieved a permission in Donegal last year on a difficult situation in relation to drainage. There were a lot of factors involved, including not having a big enough site and proximity to a Special Area of Conservation.

If you'd like to post the reference here there are several people on AAM with planning expertise in rural areas who might comment. It sounds like there may have been an issue of proliferation of septic tanks in close proximity to one another. While its a planning issue its centres on a public health issue and groundwater/aquifer issues, and there are some objective standards to be followed re effluent disposal rates, dispersal through substrates and so forth.


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All advice on AAM is remote from the situation and cannot be relied upon as a defence or support - in and of itself - should legal action be taken.
Competent legal and building professionals should be asked to advise in Real Life with rights to inspect and issue reports on the matters at hand.