Planning changes


Registered User

A site has come up for sale with FPP for a specific house design.
My question is can you make internal changes without contacting the planning authorities and if you want to make a change to the external part for aestitic reasons, have you to go through the whole planning process or is there a quicker route such as a review. All this is new to me and any help or comments would be appreciated.
To be sure, to be sure, to be sure you should contact your local Planning Dept. and get their advice. No point in going ahead with changes that they might object to at a later stage.
johnnyg said:

A site has come up for sale with FPP for a specific house design.
My question is can you make internal changes without contacting the planning authorities and if you want to make a change to the external part for aestitic reasons, have you to go through the whole planning process or is there a quicker route such as a review. All this is new to me and any help or comments would be appreciated.
this is a difficult one and open to interpretation, your planning

permission allows you to build a structure that is in substantial

compliance with what you have been given permission for, if you

ask the planners they'll just say re-apply for FPP (standard answer)

you really need the advice of a good architect/planning consultant.

It should only take one visit with the approved drawings and your

proposal to your consultant for him to see if your changes will

require another application. Also interior changes generally would

not contravene planning permission.