Planning Appeal - should I be concerned?


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I applied for permission to add a 2 storey extension to my house. My neighbour objected on a number of grounds some of which we to say the least vexatious. When I saw his submission I sent further details to the Planner including photos and the Planner granted permission with no changes.

Just before the end of the appeal period the neighbour lodged an objection - again including some very questionable points. This time it goes to An Bord Pleanala and can take up to 18 weeks. I understand I can make a submission and in some cases can ask for an oral hearing.

I'd be very grateful for advice from anyone who has any experience in such situations ?

thank you
You will be given the opprtunity by APP to respond to the appeal as will the Council that decided to grant it. You will obviously receive a copy of the details submitted by your neighbour for you to comment on if you so wish.

If there is nothing new in the appeal then I would be inclined to just reply saying you have full confidence in the Council and their decision to grant the PP and leave it at that. The Council in turn must submit reasons as to why they decided to grant the PP and must now stand over and back up that decision. Effectively the Council are fighting the case on your behalf.

If your neighbour has raised a new issue then by all means respond to that.

Good luck with it.
Get your architect to comment on the points raised by the Appellant.

Should be easy to point out where he is being vexacious - and this will damage his case if any of his other points are "real".
Thank you for the responses - it's reassuring to hear that the Council will be in my corner.

One new issue that has been raised by the neighbour in his submission is the fact that my plans propose 2 frosted glass windows on the gable wall (one of these is an existing window). He himself has exactly the same windows that I propose and yet his appeal claims that this could allow me to overlook his garden (even though they are frosted!).

He already has a 2 storey extension himself but he seems to have the view that I should not be allowed to have the same facilities that he currently enjoys. I'm hoping that ABP will see this as vexacious

Im in the same sort of situation, a person who owns the house next to our site objected to our planning, (she said it would spoil her view and impact on her daily life, she lives 20 miles away and has the house beside our site rented). However, the Council gave us full planning permission. She appealed to An Bord Pleanala.

My problem is that as stated above the Bord have a guideline of decisions within 18 weeks, they have put our case back twice and it has now been 30 weeks and still no decision, their excuse is case load.

Has anyone any experience of a case dragging on without them even looking at the submission? Is there any legislation on timelines?